R.O.O.M. is a submission for Refworks 9^3 Squares Instagram gallery, which stitches together square rooms created by different designers like a digital, architectural exquisite corpse. Incorporating the adjacent system of connected autonomy, R.O.O.M. presents visitors with a microcosm of its surrounding squares. A chosen path will lead to either another room on refworks or one of four R.O.O.M. rooms. The R.O.O.M. rooms are a series of diverse environments, each with its own distinct atmosphere: a rocky canyon overlook with a suspiciously thin floor (but don’t worry, there’s railings), a pool party in full swing, a room comprised of neon walls/columns, and an alien landscape which breaks the plane of the plan. Unable to truly occupy the center and deprived of any landmarks, visitors become disoriented as they navigate the central core. Because each hallway is seemingly identical, the path you choose is based only on intuition. R.O.O.M. also spells room. HAH!
submission for Refworks 9^3 Squares gallery // a WIPstudio collaboration